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Instructions for use

DUTCH - DIT IS HOE JE HET GEBRUIKT - how-to-use-it-NL.pdf
CZECH - JAK POUŽÍVAT - how-to-use-it-CZ.pdf
GERMAN - SO WENDEN SIE PekoBelt RICHTIG AN - how-to-use-it-DE.pdf
SLOVAK - SPÔSOB POUŽÍVANIA - how-to-use-it-SK.pdf



Use it smart.

PekoBelt is discreet. Use the PekoBelt pad carefully for efficient protection. The lack of preparation may highly impact the necessary adhesion and thus water resistance. (Think of condoms for which you also need to learn and apply special skills to safely use it.) 

    Please carefully read and observe the instruction manual.
    Prepare your skin for the use of the pad.
    The skin covered by the pad must be clean, dry and healthy.
    The full removal of pubic hair is inevitable. Please observe the related requirements as well. 


Carefully read the instructions for use before using the product.
PekoBelt is a pad sealing the vagina from outside to prevent the vaginal infections acquired in the swimming pool, natural water, sauna, solarium or during fitness activity or sports in wet environment.
During menstrual period, the use of the pad supplements the feeling of hygienic security after inserting the tampon.


Content: the package contains 5 pads.
Contraindication: known allergic reaction to the constituents of classical medical plasters.


Safety measures

•    Store in room temperature (between 4-30°C) in a dry place until use.
•    Do not use after the expiry date indicated on the single package.
•    PekoBelt pads are for single use.
•    Do not use more than five pads in a session.
•    When you wear the pad in a sauna, sit or lie only on a towel to prevent skin irritation.


Preparation of the skin

The PekoBelt pad covers vagina from the pubic bone until the perineum, but anus is left free (Figure 7).

•    Clean your genitals and the vicinity according to basic hygienic rules by an intimate gel or other hygienic products, and flush them completely.
•    Wipe dry the region of mons pubis and the vagina.
•    Remove hair (by shaving or waxing) around genitals in the zone of the pad, as hair highly reduces adhesion. The use of chemical depilatories is not recommended in this area.



As the PekoBelt pad covers the urethra, urination is recommended right before the application of the pad.
In case of an urge to urinate, remove the pad completely. After urination, wipe vagina dry, and apply a new pad.
The pad is for continuous use not exceeding 60 minutes.



Open packaging and take out the pad. Remove the bottom part of the protective strip to uncover the adhesive surface (Figure 1).
Put the pad in your palm as seen in Figure 2 to leave the tip of middle finger uncovered. Do not wrap the exposed material of the pad.
The ideal posture for the application of the pad is shown in Figure 3. In this way you ensure stress-free application and prevent the separation of the pad from your skin during various exercises.
Turn the pad in your palm towards the vagina by touching the anus with your uncovered middle finger tip, and smooth the pad first with your middle finger and then the index and ring finger onto your skin, without any bubbles.
Remove the top part of the protective strip from the pad with your one hand, and with the other hand, smooth the pad onto your skin without any bubbles. (Figure 4)
The pad is in the correct position, if its bottom part is attached to the perineum (in the area between the bottom pole of the vagina and the top pole of the anus), and the other part on the whole area of the genitals and the vicinity, without any stress (Figure 5). Now press the whole pad firmly against your skin.
     Now the PekoBelt pad is covered by an additional plastic film. Take the coloured top part of the film and remove it parallelly to your skin (Figure 6). Press the whole pad again firmly against your skin.
     Ideally the PekoBelt pad is adhered fully on your skin (Figurer 7).
To ensure even better adhesion, wait for 10 minutes before swimming to let the pad take your body temperature.



Press your skin next to the pad. Take the separated part of the pad, and slowly peel it off parallelly to your skin. To facilitate removal, you may use medical adhesive solvent, if necessary.



Put the paper and plastic parts and the removed pad in a recycle bin after use.

Date of issue of instructions: 1 June 2021